Describes Acupuncture's concept, how does Acupuncture work, action of Acupuncture and Mechanism of action
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a technique that punctures a thin needle through the skin on specifics areas called acupuncture points.
How does Acupuncture work
According to Chinese medical theory, a vital energy called Qi (pronounced "chee" circulates in the body through 12 virtual pathways called meridian. These meridian are linked to the functional systems of the body. Qi plays a rule in stimulating the function of the internal organs (functional system). Disease occurs when Qi cannot circulate normally or blocked so the organs cannot work in normal. Acupuncture improves the flow of Qi and health is restored.
Action of Acupuncture
Acupuncture is effective in recovering a wide range of health conditions such as musculoskeletal issues, arthritis, acute and chronic pain, digestive issues, emotional disorders, gynecological concerns, infertility, cosmetics enhancement, pediatric conditions etc.
Mechanism of Action
There are some hypothesis and research on how Acupuncture work such as:
- Needling in the skin stimulate a local mechanical adjustment and body's reaction result in self-healing process.
- MRI studies reveal that different areas of the brain are activated and deactivated during needling.
- Acupuncture stimulates the release of various neuro-chemical substances, which have an analgesics and overall effect.
- Acupuncture blocks pain signal from reaching the brain by generating a competing stimulus in the spinal cord.